Farmoor 28th evening

Farmoor 28th evening

Peregrine, low over car park and f2
2 Dunlin
4 common sandpiper
1 grey wagtail
Lots of hirundines especially sand and house martins

(Andy Last & Stephen Lockey)

- Farmoor 6th Sept
5 Dunlin 1 ringed plover 1 redshank 3 common sandpiper 2 swift Lots of house martins early on Lots of chiffchaff in hedgerows around f1...

- Otmoor.a.m. 10th June.
2 Turtle Dove 3 Snipe 2 Marsh Harrier 1 Grey Wagtail 4 Common Tern + 2 Chicks Lots of House Martins....

- Farmoor 9 June
Many Swifts, also Swallows, House Martins and a few Sand Martins + Common Tern Swift (c) Stephen Burch...

- Farmoor 6th April

- Farmoor Reservoir: 30th May

