Farmoor 24th August

Farmoor 24th August

Black-tailde Godwit courtesey of Mike Kosniowski

Black-tailed Godwit - 1 along causeway, also seen later on east side of F1
(per Mike Kosniowski et al)

Ruff juv F1 along northern edge 18:00
Common Sandpiper 3 F1 along northern edge
Little Egret along causeway
(per Mark Merritt)

Confiding Blackwit above & below courtesey of Peter Law

Dunlin - 7 along causeway
Yellow Wagtail - 2+ on east side of F1
Grey Wagtail - 1+ on east side of F1

Dunlin courtesey of Mike Kosniowski 

- Farmoor Reservoir 14th February
Great Northern Diver courtesy of Mike Kosniowski 2 Great Northern Diver (one bird north end of F1) 4 Goldeneye 1 Kingfisher 2 Grey Wagtail (per Mike Youngman and Mike Kosniowski) Goldeneye courtesy of Mike Kosniowski ...

- Farmoor 7th September
Juvenile Little Stint still on the Farmoor Two side of central Causeway 18:30 (per RBA) Black-tailed Godwit juv Common Sandpiper Dunlin 5 (per John Gough)  Northern Wheatear Yellow Wagtail ...

Yellow Wagtail Farmoor courtesey of Mike Kosniowski ...

- Farmoor April 6th 6-7:30 Pm
Osprey - 1 fishing the Thames behind shrike meadow from 7:10 until 7:18 when flew low towards Dix Pit. Red necked grebe - adult F2 sw corner. Little Gull - 1 first winter F2. Pied Wagtail - c50 causeway Common sandpiper - 1 Swallow - 1 Also this evening:...

- Farmoor Quiet Evening 18.30 - 20.30
Massive fly hatch in hot calm weather Common Tern - 2 appeared at 19.15 on F1, then 4, then back to 2 as 2 left SW B H Gull - Building up to c 16 at sundown Yellow-legged Gull - 2 immatures but possibly more (Heat shimmer across F2) Great Black-backed...

