Farmoor 20th August

Farmoor 20th August

1 Redstart
1 Spotted Flycatcher
1 Juvenile Med Gull in roost.


9 Common Sandpiper on Northern bank of F1,
1 Wheatear,
a lone Swift over
5+ Yellow Wagtails.

Joe Harris

- Lollingdon, 28th Aug
1 Common Redstart, 3 Wheatear, 1 Yellow Wagtail, 1 Blackcap, 1 Common Whitethroat (per TW), 1 Spotted Flycatcher (per TW), 1 Hobby. ...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 7th August
Grimsbury Reservoir Mediterranean Gull: Juvenile briefly at c.19:30. A different bird to this morning with less advanced moult/new scapulars. 3 Common Sandpiper 3 Swift Upper Cherwell Valley Spotted Flycatcher Snipe Gareth Blockley...

- Farmoor 18th August
The collective sightings of Ewan, Gnome, the Wickster & Dave Daniels: 3 Common Tern 4 Common Sandpiper a few Yellow Wagtails 1 Med. gull 1 Egyptian Goose 1 Wheatear moulting into 1w 1 Common Redstart to the west of F2. A vast hoard of geese along...

- Farmoor, 27th July
A very recently fledged juvenile Northern Wheatear at Farmoor this morning, probably not travelled very far. Also 5 juvenile Yellow Wagtails. Adult Black Tern....

- Otmoor 1st September Evening
Yellow Wagtail at least 140 going to roost in the reeds Barn Owl 1 Hobby 2Sparrowhawk 1 Greenshank 1Green Sandpiper 1 Little Egret 1Redstart 2 Steve, Pete and Terry Long Meadow:4 Redstart Spotted flycatcher Mike Flemming ...

