Farmoor 18th August

Farmoor 18th August

The collective sightings of Ewan, Gnome, the Wickster & Dave Daniels:

3 Common Tern
4 Common Sandpiper
a few Yellow Wagtails
1 Med. gull
1 Egyptian Goose
1 Wheatear moulting into 1w
1 Common Redstart to the west of F2.
A vast hoard of geese along the causeway

Also a couple of Grass Snakes, one of which needed to be rescued when it got trapped in a concrete bunker.

- Rushy Common 4th October
Egyptian Geese Rushy Common by Badger. Peregrine Green Sandpiper Egyptian Geese 2 Yellow-legged Gull 3+ Dix Pit Red-crested Pochard 11+ Wigeon 300+ Egyptian Geese 2 Cetti's Warbler (per Dave Doherty) Wheatear 2 (per Dave Doherty) (Andy Last &...

- Farmoor Reservoir 1st September
Ringed Plover: juv (causeway) Common Sandpiper (causeway) 6 Yellow Wagtail (F1) 3 Yellow-legged Gull (F2) (Gareth Blockley) Greenshank over Lots of warblers at Farmoor this morning inc Lesser Whitethroat 4 Garden Warbler (per Dave Lowe)...

- Farmoor Reservoir: 26th August
Little Tern feeding on F1 with Common Tern. 4 Common Sandpiper on west side of F1. ~200 Coot roosting on causeway with Greater Black-backed Gull, 1 Grey Wagtail & at least 20 Yellow Wagtails. Joe Harris ...

- Port Meadow: 20th August
Port Meadow Egyptian Goose: leucistic individual with the Greylags. 10+ Yellow Wagtails, ~40 Linnet, 5 Sand Martins, 1 Common Tern, 35 Lapwing. Joe Harris Also, 1 common sandpiper along river shore 1 golden plover with the lapwing 1 swift...

- Farmoor 20th July
2 Sanderling 1 Redshank 1 Oystercatcher 1 Dunlin 1 Ringed Plover 2 Common Sandpiper 1 Redstart 1 Egyptian Goose Also this evening (Adam Hartley): 2 juv. yellow wagtails 12 adult yellow-legged gulls...

