Farmoor 20th July

2 Sanderling
1 Redshank
1 Oystercatcher
1 Dunlin
1 Ringed Plover
2 Common Sandpiper
1 Redstart
1 Egyptian Goose
Also this evening (Adam Hartley):
2 juv. yellow wagtails
12 adult yellow-legged gulls
Farmoor Reservoir: 28th August
Farmoor Reservoir 3 Yellow Wagtail 2 Mediterranean Gull: juv. 2 Common Sandpiper ~20 Yellow-legged Gulls Adam Hartley...
Port Meadow: 1st August
Port Meadow Wood Sandpiper 7 Common Sandpiper Green Sandpiper Ringed Plover 2 Redshank 14 Dunlin 3 Little Ringed Plover 2 Oystercatcher Snipe Yellow Wagtail 2 Med. Gull juv.s Adam Hartley, Steve Jennings & Paul Jepsom...
Farmoor Reservoir: 16th August
Farmoor Common Sandpiper (c) Pete Styles
Farmoor Reservoir
Egyptian Goose
5 Dunlin
4 Ringed Plover
Common Sandpiper
2 Yellow-legged Gull: Probably more, but didn't go through all the gulls carefully.
Port Meadow: 27th July
Port Meadow Greenshank Common Sandpiper: Along the river. 80 Canada Goose 8 common terns Oystercatcher Yellow-legged Gull: adult Adam Hartley & Richard Foster...
Farmoor 27th July
1 Egyptian Goose 3 Teal 1 Oystercatcher 2 Common Sandpiper 2 Dunlin 4 Redshank 7 Yellow-legged Gull 2 Redstart...