Farmoor 17th February

Farmoor 17th February

Short-eared Owl (Buckthorn Meadow)
Knot (F2 on grass verge)

More from the Res  The Insomniac Birder 

- Otmoor.a.m. 16th October.
                                                            Bittern (per John Reynolds)   ...

- Farmoor Late Morning March 18
Goshawk 2 A female seen over the pylons and then a male approx 45 minutes later in the same vicinity Red Kite 4+ Common Buzzard 6+ Common Kestrel 2 Raven 1 Little Gull 1 [adult but without hood on Farmoor 1] Black Headed Gull 800+ Curlew 1 Common Shelduck...

- Otmoor 26th February
Bittern (showing on and off from the 2nd screen all morning but no sign in the afternoon by 15:30) White-fronted Goose (on The Closes with the Greylags) Short-eared Owl Peregrine Sparrowhawk                                                       ...

- New Farmoor Blog
The Insomniac Birder ''Mainly a blog of my bird sightings and photographs taken on my early morning walks around Farmoor Reservoir''                                                                        ...

- Farmoor 28th November
Short -eared Owl :  Buckthorn  Meadow ...

