Farmoor 15th Oct

Farmoor 15th Oct

Jack Snipe
Lesser Redpoll
2 Rock Pipit
Barn Owl

(per Dai J)

- Farmoor 15th October
  Rock Pipit 3 Little Gull 1 Jack Snipe 1 (per Dai) Farmoor One First winter Caspian Gull 3 Mediterranean Gulls (2 First winter, 1 adult). (per Nic Hallam)...

- Iffley Meadows 10th January
1 Heron 5 Cormorant 2 Kestrel 104 Snipe 4 Jack Snipe 20 + B H Gull 2 LBB Gull 18 Meadow Pipit 1 Stonechat ♀ 70+ Redwing 3 Siskin 1 Reed Bunting W.P.Bull c300 Snipe and 1 Jack Snipe nr South Moreton 9th Jan (per The Wyatts)...

- Farmoor 21st October
Water Pipit (along causeway) Rock Pipit 2 Jack Snipe (shrike Meadow) Goldeneye (per Dai)...

- Farmoor 19th March
2 Little Gull (both ad) mid morning. (per R.B.A) 2 Rock Pipit 40+Sand Martin Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I 13 Goldeneye: 3 male 10 fem. Farmoor Reservoir: Pinkhill Barn Owl Mari Esashi ...

- Farmoor 27th October
5 Little Gull all 1st w flew through heading north at 14:35. Water Pipit still on south side of causeway but mobile. Rock Pipit Jack Snipe on Shrike Meadow. (per R.B.A) More Info The water pipit (c) David Fearn ...

