Farmoor 15th January

Farmoor 15th January

Ruddy Shelduck 2 08:30 then flew west towards Dix.
Scaup 4 F1
Slavonian Grebe F1

(per Dai)

8 Barnacle Goose: flock flew in 13:30 with a Blue Snow Goose.
13 Goldeneye: minimum 13, may have been a few more.
Goosander: male.
Egyptian Goose: with Canadas on river bank.

(per Anthony Cheke

- River Thames Nr Cholsey Marsh 11th September
32 Egyptian Goose: At least 32 stood on river edge, then flew and more counted, perhaps 40... Highest number at this spot, SU596853. Common Sandpiper: Flew in to same spot as Egyptian geese - eroded E bank of Thames - nr Little Stoke Mike Amphlett...

- Farmoor Reservoir 20th January
Farmoor II 7 Goldeneye: 2 male, 5 fem. 4 Little Grebe Chiffchaff 1 near Shrike Meadow Peregrine: Flew S carrying prey, spooked hundreds of gulls. (Anthony Cheke) Pintail 19 Shelduck 3 Wigeon & Teal flock c800 (per Dai) More from the Res at The Insomniac...

- Farmoor 17th January
Slavonian Grebe 1 F1 on east side Scaup 4 F1 Barnacle Goose 8 Egyptian Goose 1 Shelduck 2 Common Sandpiper (per Dai) The Insomniac Birder...

- Port Meadow: 10th January
Port Meadow 48 Barnacle Goose 2 White-fronted Goose 4 Bar-headed Goose 2 Shelduck 100 Golden Plover Dunlin 13 Pintail Adam Hartley...

- Farmoor Reservoir: 12th February
Farmoor Reservoir 6 Barnacle Goose: Flew over with one dark morph Snow Goose. 33 Snow Goose: Flew over. Four dark morph. Sydney Penner...

