Farmoor, 12th August

Farmoor, 12th August

Black Tern
Yellow Wagtail 2
Common Sandpiper c5
Dunlin c3

Clackers and Mrs Clackers

- Farmoor Res 12th September
Little Tern 5 09:35 but no further sign by 10:14 (per Dai & Steve Burch) Black Tern 4 (increasing to 6 early evening per Dai) Yellow Wagtail 6 Including one Blue-headed. (per Anthony Cheke) Ruff 1 juv m Dunlin 1 juv Ringed Plover 1...

- Farmoor: 30th April
Little Gull, 1st summer - Farmoor 2 (ad. also reported, Graham Soden) 2-4 Arctic Tern - Farmoor 2 40+ Swifts (60+ reported earlier, Graham Soden) White Wagtail - Water Treatment Works Ringed Plover - Causeway (Graham Soden) 5 Dunlin - 2 Causeway &...

- Farmoor 14th April
8 Little Gull (3ad) 4 Common Tern 2 Shelduck 13 White Wagtail 4 Yellow Wagtail 2 Swift (per The Wickster Clackers and S.N.T) The Insomniac Birder...

- Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I: 25th August
25th August Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I 3 Greenshank: on N shore at 15:50. 2 Little Tern: flew in when I was watching other Terns. Seen in same view for size comparison. Black Tern: 1 matched to RW's photo + 2-3 other Terns that I couldn't...

- Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I: 10th August
Black-necked Grebe: In north east corner of F1. Also 2 Yellow Wagtail, Common Tern, 4 Common Sandpiper, Dunlin, Grey Wagtail, Oystercatcher. Joe Harris Grebe still present at 19:50 (Badger) ...

