Farmoor - 27th March

Farmoor - 27th March

 2  Rock Pipits in very different plumage on the causeway

Juvenile Iceland Gull and first winter Caspian Gull at 17.45 in F.2. roost. Adult Little Gull. 2+ Rock Pipits, Oystercatcher, 2 Swallows.

- Farmoor - 25th March
F.2 Roost: First winter Caspian Gull (different to last weeks bird). Juvenile Iceland Gull. 2 adult Little Gulls on F2 @ 16.45. ...

- Farmoor: 15th November - Caspian Gull
 This 2nd winter Caspian Gull was a surprise find seeing as there were so few gulls in the roost.                                                             ...

- Farmoor 15th October
  Rock Pipit 3 Little Gull 1 Jack Snipe 1 (per Dai) Farmoor One First winter Caspian Gull 3 Mediterranean Gulls (2 First winter, 1 adult). (per Nic Hallam)...

- Farmoor 9th March
Kittiwake 2 Little Gull 2 Scaup 4 Oystercatcher 1 Redshank 1 Ringed Plover 3 Golden Plover 6 Med Gull  2 Adult and a first winter. Glaucous Gull 1st winter ( per Ian Smith ) Barn Owl 2 Water Rail 2 Chiffchaff 1 Rock Pipit 3 Sand ...

- Farmoor 24th March
This drake Garganey was a surprise this morning feeding in amongst the gulls in the middle of F.1. Still present this evening. The long staying adult Little Gull all day in it's favourite section of F.2. just off the causeway. Second summer Mediterranean...

