Cowlease Wood: 21st April

Cowlease Wood: 21st April

Cowlease Wood
7 Common Crossbill

Paul Jepson

- Cowlease Wood: 26th December
Cowlease Wood 2 Brambling: seen in fog in large mixed feeding flock, but there were probably more as reported on 22nd. Peter Law...

- Cowlease Wood: 22nd December
Cowlease Wood Brambling: Several in a very large flock of Chaffinches near the car park. Roger Morton...

Coal Tit Cowlease Wood 6th Dec (c) Terry Sherlock ...

- Cowlease Wood: 29th July
Cowlease Wood Spotted Flycatcher Steve Roby...

- Cowlease Wood: 21st April
Cowlease Wood 8 Common Crossbill John Hillsdon...

