
Coal Tit Cowlease Wood 6th Dec (c) Terry Sherlock

- Cowlease Wood: 21st April
Cowlease Wood 7 Common Crossbill Paul Jepson...

- Otmoor Rspb 4th January
5 White-fronted Geese with Greylag flock this (pm per RSPB staff) Bittern from first screen this am (per Terry Sherlock) (Bark) Otmoor Birding Bittern (c) Terry Sherlock...

- Otmoor.a.m. 7th November.
Peregrine (c) Terry Sherlock 1 Hen Harrier (per Terry Sherlock) 1 Peregrine (per Terry Sherlock) 1 Barn Owl nr Noke Farm (per Badger) 3+ Water Rail (calling) 60+ Snipe (one flock) 4 Goldcrest C. 450 Lapwing. 1 Black Cap m (per Terry Sherlock) Large...

- Oakley Wood 20th November
20+ Crossbill in Oakley Wood c14:30 near the car parking area per Terry Sherlockphoto (c) T.Sherlock ...

- Farmoor 10th November
Snow Bunting on the causeway (per Dai & Terry Sherlock) Still on the causeway on the F2 side at 10a.m  (per Dave Lowe) photo (c) Terry Sherlock...

