Coleshill 2nd January

Coleshill 2nd January

2 Hen Harrier (both ringtails) this afternoon between Coleshill and Buscot SU2296.

(per Malcolm Royal)

- Coleshill 24th March
Hen Harrier still near Coleshill (perMRo oos)...

- Coleshill: Worsall Farm: 5th March
Coleshill: Worsall Farm 3 Hen Harrier: r/t. 1 just W of Worsall Farm, 2 more in fields to W of road to Buscot about a mile further on. SU224967. Peter Law...

- Coleshill: 13th January
Coleshill 2 Short-eared Owl: SU2296. Jonathan Mercer...

- Buscot 7th January
Buscot area (SU2296): Ringtail Hen Harrier, at least 2 and up to 4 Short Eared Owl, 2 Buzzard, 5 Kestrel and Grey Partridge (heard). Malcolm Royal and Steve Davies (

- Coleshill: 1st December
5 Common Cranes seen in Coleshill (National Trust Estate), both in am and pm today. Also one dead one in a nearby field. The dead one did not have any rings. At 4.05pm they flew, north, towards Buscot. Helen Newton...

