Coleshill: Worsall Farm: 5th March

Coleshill: Worsall Farm: 5th March

Coleshill: Worsall Farm
3 Hen Harrier: r/t. 1 just W of Worsall Farm, 2 more in fields to W of road to Buscot about a mile further on. SU224967.

Peter Law

- Otmoor 18th April
Marsh Harrier f Whinchat m Noke Farm Wheatear f Noke Farm Grasshopper Warbler 2 (Per Bark) Sent from my iPhone...

- Otmoor 25th August
Marsh Harrier Green Sandpiper Turtle Dove Whinchat 2 Noke Farm Wheatear juv Noke Farm Yellow Wagtail 50+ from hide Redstart 1 Spotted Flycatcher2 (per Bark) Otmoor Birding...

- Coleshill 24th March
Hen Harrier still near Coleshill (perMRo oos)...

- Rushy Common 27th January
Temminck's Stint still. Near Foxley Farm, Stanton Harcourt Road 7 Tree Sparrow: At least seven in a loose flock in roadside hedgerows and farm buildings. SP425084. Steve Goddard...

- Quail 14th June
1ml NNE.of Burford, south of Milton Downs Farm Quail (male) calling from cereal fields around small wood along minor road between Downs Lodge and Milton Downs Farm. SP264152. Dave Morgan...

