Central Oxford: Pied Flycatcher News

Central Oxford: Pied Flycatcher News

No sign of the male Pied Flycatcher behind the ice rink between 11:30 and 12:30 (Gareth Blockley)

- 24th April Faringdon
Belated news of a Pied Flycatcher yesterday only, seen by Barry Hudson at Faringdon. ...

- Pied Flycatcher Central Oxford
The Pied Flycatcher is still behind the ice rink near the footbridge about here & showing really well. Still Showing very well 19:30 (per Dave Lowe) Gnome  (c) Gnome...

- Cotswold Wildlife Park Nr Burford 18th April
Pied flycatcher (male) at the Cotswold Wildlife Park today (until at least 4.50 p.m.) -about 15 yards from the vultures' cage. Paul Robinson. Male Pied Fly both pictures taken by Paul Robinsons son (c)...

- 10th May Wytham Wood: Pied Flycatcher
Damien Farine reports a male pied flycatcher in Wytham Wood this morning being mobbed by the resident small birds. ...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 6th September
Probable Pied Flycatcher f or juv. In with the woodland with the roving tit flock. Pretty sure but only had brief and poor views. I will try to go back later to have another look for it. 2 Spotted Flycatcher: In the woodland wiith the roving tit flock....

