Buscot 31st July

Buscot 31st July

Turtle Dove by the shop and tea room in Buscot this afternoon (per Jon Prowse)

Tree Sparrows at Balscote Quarry (c) Terry Sherlock 5 Grey Partridge this afternoon in the very NW tip of the county, by the minor road by Buscot Wick farm, west of Buscot (per Jon Mercer)...

Turtle Dove Buscot Manor House (c) Andy Smith ...

Purrrrfect Wed. 8th May Turtle Dove showing well at Buscot, also Whitethroat. camboy ...

- Coleshill 2nd January
2 Hen Harrier (both ringtails) this afternoon between Coleshill and Buscot SU2296. (per Malcolm Royal) ...

- 4th. June Turtle Dove
1 Turtle Dove 1 Cuckoo   -   calling both at Buscot ...

