Broughton: Broughton Castle: 22nd November

Broughton: Broughton Castle: 22nd November

Broughton: Broughton Castle
Osprey: Over low mobbed by corvids Per mr m tapper. 09:45.

Michael Hunt

- Banbury: 22nd December
Banbury 2 Raven: Over Broughton rd. Michael Hunt...

- Benson 11th December
4-5 Waxwings feeding at the roadside on Watlington Rd in Benson at 1 pm, but gone half an hour later. (per Richard Broughton) ...

- Cholsey 11th November
Cetti's Warbler calling and singing at Cholsey Marsh on the Thames path about 100 m south of the Ferry Lane landing. (Richard Broughton)...

- Crowmarsh Gifford 21st March
No sign of any Black Redstarts today (per Richard Broughton Oxonbirds)...

3 Spotted Flycatchers on Benson lane, Crowmarsh, today. (per RK Broughton Oxonbirds)...

