Blenheim 13 March

Blenheim 13 March

2 Hawfinch in top of tree from miniature railway shed/station at 13:00
1 Raven

- Blenheim Park 3rd April
Hawfinch 5 in tops of large ornamental trees (per RBA) Eds:Presumably referring to the trees within the gardens and best viewed from the area near the model railway shed. There is no charge to enter the estate via the Bladon gate behind the Whitehouse...

- Blenheim Park 8th April
Hawfinch 2 this morning near the modal engine shed (per Pete Alan) From the public gate behind 'The White House' pub in Bladon, follow the tarmac road through the park and cross the cattle grid. Keep left and go past the entrance to the ornamental...

- Blenheim Park 5th April
16 Hawfinch near the modal railway engine shed 09:18 (per Dave Doherty)...

- Blenheim Grounds 30th November
Hawfinch in the ornamental garden viewed from close to the model railway engine shed c10:00 (per The Wickster) Note: this puts The Wickster on a stonking 192 for his county year list - way to go!  (Gnome)...

- 15th January - Waxwings
08.30 am; 13 Waxwing in tree's around Donnington Playing Field Small groups have been showing briefly in the area of Cavell Road over the past week. (per Steve Roby) 13+ Waxwings on Oxpens Road, same position as yesterday but mobile. (per Steve Goddard)...

