Bicester Wetlands Reserve 3rd July

Bicester Wetlands Reserve 3rd July

4 Little Ringed Plover
3 Green Sandpiper

(per Alan Peters)

This superb little reserve is owned and managed
by the Banbury Ornithological Society and accessed only by key.

- Bicester Wetlands Reserve 21st May
Little-ringed Plover B.W.R courtesy of Alan Peters Little-ringed Plover 3 at the B.O.S Bicester Wetlands Reserve.Access to this superb little reserve on the outskirts of Bicester requires a key.For more details contact The Banbury Ornithological...

- Bicester Wetlands Reserve 16th March
Courtesy of Alan Peters Black-tailed Godwit still from the Tower Hide (per Alan Peters) Please note that access to this superb reserve requires a key as gates may be locked at any time. Please contactthe Banbury Ornithological Society for...

- B.o.s Bicester Wetlands Reserve 22nd January
Jack Snipe (7) on reserve this morning Snipe (30+) Please note this is a key holder reserve Justin Taylor and Alan Peters Banbury Ornithological Society ...

- Bicester Wetlands 11th August
Greenshank 2 Green Sandpiper 20+ Common Sandpiper 1 Little Egret 2 (per Justin) This little gem of a reserve is owned and managed by the  Banbury Ornithological Society Access is via membership and key. Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android...

- Bicester Wetland Reserve 4th April
Alan Peters warden of The Bicester Wetland Reserve has very kindly sent some pictures of the Great White Egret which was still present onthe B.O.S reserve this afternoon. Banbury Ornithological Society (B.O.S)Banburybirds yahoo news group All photos...

