Bicester Wetlands 11th August

Bicester Wetlands 11th August

Greenshank 2
Green Sandpiper 20+
Common Sandpiper 1
Little Egret 2

(per Justin)

This little gem of a reserve is owned and managed
by the  Banbury Ornithological Society
Access is via membership and key.

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- Bicester Wetlands Reserve 9th January
Teal 200 Shoveler 2 Gadwall 2 Little Egret Water Rail showing very well from the main hide (per Alan Peters) Nb: Access to the reserve requires a key available through membership        of the Banbury Ornithological Society Water...

- Bicester Wetlands Reserve 23rd September
      Photo courtesey of Alan Peters 2 Ruddy Shelduck at B.W.R today and still present at 17:00 (per Alan Peters) Both birds are unringed. This brilliant little reserve near Bicester is owned and managed by the Banbury Ornithological...

- Bicester Wetlands Reserve 23rd August
Black-tailed Godwit 2 Green Sandpiper 13 Snipe 10 Little Egret 4 (per Justin) Access to the reserve is by key obtained via membership to the Banbury Ornithological Society Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android...

- Bicester Wetlands Reserve 3rd July
4 Little Ringed Plover 3 Green Sandpiper (per Alan Peters) This superb little reserve is owned and managed by the Banbury Ornithological Society and accessed only by key. ...

- Bicester Wetlands Reserve 14th November
Bearded Tit (m) still this morning from main hide. Access to this fantastic little reserve is via a key and membership to the Banbury Ornithological Society...

