Bark on the Beeb 7th April

Bark on the Beeb 7th April

Otmoor Stalwart Peter Barker was interviewed on BBC Radio Oxford this morning
on the Jon Briggs show, describing which birds to look & listen out for at this time
of year in our county. For those who missed it, it is available on the BBC iplayer
for the next seven days on the link below. It's about 40 minutes into the programme.

- Cranes On Otmoor 26th March
Two Cranes have been been seen again this morning in the Otmoor area. The birds are very mobile and flighty and if you are lucky enough to see them please keep your distance and be aware that at this time of year all the fields hold breeding...

- Otmoor 26th February
Bittern (showing on and off from the 2nd screen all morning but no sign in the afternoon by 15:30) White-fronted Goose (on The Closes with the Greylags) Short-eared Owl Peregrine Sparrowhawk                                                       ...

- Badger Sparrow Video Fame
Fame for Badger who has got some of his video of the Calshot Spanish sparrow used on BBC South Today. You can watch the programme on BBC iPlayer here though be warned it will only be there until 1830 this evening. The relevant section is about 9 minutes...

- Gnome On Radio Oxford
Port Meadow on BBC Radio Oxford Published by Port Meadow Birding the Friday, June 24, 2011 at 7:47 AM in _2011_Apr_Jun. 0 comments. Permalink. I was interviewed for Radio Oxford on Thursday afternoon. One of the readers of this blog, Martin Feynes (I...

- Early Morning Tree Sparrows
Approximately 7.45 am tomorrow morning Wednesday 18th May 2011 BBC Radio Oxford 95.2 FM will be interviewing Dr Alan Larkman on the Breakfast Show about the Oxfordshire Tree Sparrow Project. Barry Hudson....

