Banbury Waxwings 15th Dec

Banbury Waxwings 15th Dec

7 Waxwings still at Cedar Close at 2.45p.m
(per R.B.A)

Boddington Reservoir is still 98% frozen but despite this the Goosander flock
had increased to 35 today. Also of note a Kingfisher perched over the outflow
stream at the south end. Wormleighton Reservoir however is 100% frozen with nil

Mike Lewis (per Banburybirds)

- Willow Tits
Three Willow Tits seen and heard north of Claydon on the bridleway to Wormleighton Reservoir today. (per Paul, Banburybirds Yahoo Group). Claydon is in the very northern tip of Oxfordshire, with Wormleighton over the border into Warwickshire. Wormleighton...

- Balscote Quarry 24th May 9.45a.m
LRP 6 plus 2 chicks, Ringed Plover 2 Lapwing 4 plus 3 juveniles Little Grebe 2, Sand martins 2 Swift 3 (per Roger Evans Banburybirds)

- Bicester Wetland Reserve 13th April
2 Little Ringed Plover and 1 Green Sandpiper pool near cattle bridge also 2 common Snipe on main reserve, 15 Teal,4 Gadwall and 3 Tufted Duck. (per Alan Peters Banburybirds)

- Waxwings 20th Dec
Waxwings heard in Yarnton this morning and a small party flew over at about 8.00am. Cheers (Nick Suckling Oxonbirds) 2 Waxwings still Kidlington this morning on Blenheim Rd near Garage (per R.B.A) 6 Waxwings Cowley Road (per R.B.A/O.O.S) 5 Waxwings Banbury...

- Waxwings In Banbury Still 13th Dec

