Balscote Quarry 24th May 9.45a.m

Balscote Quarry 24th May 9.45a.m

LRP 6 plus 2 chicks,
Ringed Plover 2
Lapwing 4 plus 3 juveniles
Little Grebe 2,
Sand martins 2
Swift 3

(per Roger Evans Banburybirds)

- Bicester Wetland Reserve 28th July

- Bicester Wetland Reserve 21st July
8 Green Sandpipers, 2 Little Ringed Plovers, 4 Heron, Tufted Duck (female with 4 young) 1 Green Woodpecker. waders favoring shallow pool by cattle bridge. (per alan peters) Banburybirds ...

- Mealy Redpoll 5th March
Mealy Redpoll still coming to feeders in Milcombe garden this morning. Viewable from footpath SP.409.348 Photo's at

- Waxwings 27th Dec
20 Waxwings Abingdon at Peachcroft Shopping Centre at 10.45a.m but no sign late p.m (per Ewan) No sign of any Waxwings in Stonesfield today. (per Paul Wren) 15 Waxwings at 2pm on Highlands, Banbury - east of junction with Rother Road & before the...

- Banbury Waxwings 15th Dec
7 Waxwings still at Cedar Close at 2.45p.m (per R.B.A) Goosanders Boddington Reservoir is still 98% frozen but despite this the Goosander flock had increased to 35 today. Also of note a Kingfisher perched over the outflow stream at the south end. Wormleighton...

