Banbury: 10th May

Banbury: 10th May

Nightingale - 2 am till 6 am this morning at least.
Singing along Salt Lane (track) behind Blessed George Napier Catholic School.

(per Martin Elliott on twitter here)

Still present this evening (per Kirsty Brannan)

- Hanwell Fields: 7th July
Grasshopper Warbler - male reeling (per Kirsty Brannan)...

- Banbury: 11th May
Banbury Spotted Flycatcher: Along Salt Way, next to BGN School. 15:00. Mark Ribbons...

- Hanwell Fields: 28th April
Grasshopper Warbler, reeling at dusk (per Kirsty Brannan)...

- White Stork At Newbridge, 28th April
Stuart Thomson has just found the six White Storks in a field just west of Newbridge, between there and LWV Pit 60 at about SP 395 015. Best viewed from Langley Lane LWV Pit 60. Still present till 18:36 then flew out of view (RBA) Apologies, no...

- Upper Arncott
Nightingale - Singing on land south of Village late evening....

