Balscote Quarry 24 November 2012

Balscote Quarry 24 November 2012

Tree Sparrow 20
Common Snipe 30+
Green Woodpecker 1
Fieldfare 150+
Redwing 15+
Yellowhammer 3

Stock Dove 6

Black Audi Birding

Jack Snipe & up to 5 Brambling recently

- Iffley Meadows, 15th Jan
1 Jack Snipe 2 Snipe 1 Heron 1 Cormorant 2 Buzzard 2 Stock Dove 2 Meadow Pipit 10 Redwing 1 Yellowhammer 2 Fox W Bull...

- Otmoor 22nd Morning
1 Marsh Harrier 1 Peregrine 1 Stock Dove Great spotted woodpecker Ross's goose in with greylag flock Pill Ground: Sparrowhawk Snipe Red Legged Partridge 100+ Fieldfare & Redwing...

- Balscote: Balscote Quarry: 2nd February
Balscote: Balscote Quarry Greenshank,20+ Teal, 15+ Wigeon, Tree Sparrow, 3 Linnet 20+ Snipe, Lapwing, Tree Sparrow Graeme Porter...

- Balscote Quarry 23rd April
Little Ringed Plover 2 Common Snipe 3 Yellow Wagtail 10 (9m1f) Tree Sparrow 4+ Green Woodpecker 2 Yellowhammer 5 Common Whitethroat 2 ...

- Balscote Quarry: 6th January
17 Tree Sparrow (estimate of around 70 around the reserve this morning) 18 Snipe (recent counts of 30 plus) 4 Teal c.30 Stock Dove, in adjacent field 13 Lapwing, over 1 Little Owl (per Roger Evans) 2 Bramblings and 1 Barn Owl, reported regularly...

