Otmoor 22nd Morning

Otmoor 22nd Morning

1 Marsh Harrier
1 Peregrine
1 Stock Dove
Great spotted woodpecker
Ross's goose in with greylag flock

Pill Ground:
Red Legged Partridge
100+ Fieldfare & Redwing

- Otmoor 15th March.
1 Marsh Harrier (Greenaways) 2 Peregrine (Roaming) M/F. 1 Sparrowhawk 2 Curlew (Greenaways) 35+ Redshank 20+ Dunlin (17 on scrapes between screens) 1 Oystercatcher (Ashgrave) C.100 Golden Plover (Big Otmoor) 20+ Snipe 1 Shelduck (Ashgrave) 15+ Pintail...

- Otmoor 13th March.
1 Oystercatcher (Big Otmoor) 1 Marsh Harrier ( poss juv male, with injured leg) 1 Cetti's Warbler (2nd screen) 1 Peregrine (Ashgrave) 1 Sparrowhawk (Big Otmoor). 2 Little Egret.   (per CW. & PG) Otmoor: The Pill 2 Jack Snipe 11:00. 2 Snipe...

- Otmoor.a.m. 28th October.
No sign of the Dartford Warbler in the South Pill Grounds today (per Phil Barnett) Kite & Harrier courtesy of John Reynolds 1 Marsh Harrier 1 Merlin (F) also seen nr Pill ground (Steve Akers) 1 Peregrine (per Steve Akers & John Reynolds) 1 Jack...

- Hitch Copse, 8th March
Marsh Tit 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker Treecreeper Goldcrest Green Woodpecker Nuthatch Redpoll Siskin 2 Redwing 6+ Sparrowhawk ...

- Stonesfield Common
Great Spotted Woodpecker Green Woodpecker Red Kite 1 Marsh Tit 2 Redwing 80+ Fieldfare 40+ Little Grebe 2(on evenlode) Bullfinch 2 Teal (on evenlode) Waxwing (H) Also Brambling and Blackcap in the garden today...

