Baiting the Buntings at Farmoor

Baiting the Buntings at Farmoor

Thursday there was 1 male Goldeneye on F2 as well as the usual recent 2 females on F1. In the poplars at the locked gates at the SE corner of sewage tretment plant, a male Blackcap was spot on timing for the central European winter arrivals (last I saw was well over a month ago now which again is about right for suitable Blackcap free gap in sightings). A good pound of bird seed was distributed along F2 side of causeway between twin wooden huts and westward to the next lifebelt. It seemed to work for Lapland Bunting, so hopefully the Snow Bunting might be equally appreciative and continue to stay for a while yet. Frequently flushed by passing vehicles and the odd birder, it seemed to simply fly out briefly over the Res before returning to near by and immediately continue feeding. A successful county twitch for me, so one more on the county life list please Jason !

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- Farmoor Res Sun 5th Dec 2010
SOUTH BASIN (F2) ONLY 1.15-4.30pm GN Diver: mid east side at 2.30 making way to NE corner by around 3.30pm Kingfisher: 1 landed on railings by octagonal tower at 2.43GC Grebe: 52 counted at 2.45 Little Grebe: 4 east; 2 south; 4 SW Goldeneye: 14f, 4m...

