Review of the Year 2010

Review of the Year 2010

So another birding year is up and so I thought that I'd write my traditional** end of year report for the county. I've been moaning all year that it hasn't been as good a year as last year but looking at the totals it doesn't seem that different: last year we had a BOU total of 218* species whereas this year it's 212*. I think that in part the difference is also that last year we had quite a few good sub-species (Azorian yellow-legged gull, American black tern, Baltic gull, American white-fronted goose) so that the actual difference if they were included is greater. Still it's not been that bad a year. The list of the scarce or rarer (Bird Guides definition) are (omitting the usual scarce breeders):
In addition we had some good county birds: dipper finally making it on to many birders' county lists, red-necked grebe (it grips me even to write that down as I was out of the county), great skua, the full range of geese including bean goose & pink-foot, more waxwings than one can shake a very large stick at and a n/t lapland bunting. It is generally agreed that the Port Meadow lesser yellowlegs gets the coveted Bird of the Year award so as the finder I suppose that means that I have to drink Badger's can of Special Brew that he's been trying to get rid of for some months now!

I thought that it might be interesting to compare patch year list totals (i.e. totals see by all observers at a particular patch). The ranking is as one would expect with Farmoor topping the board with what has apparently been a record year for the location:

  1. Farmoor 167
  2. Otmoor 153 (including bustard)
  3. Port Meadow 129
  4. Radley 124
  5. Stonesfield Common 76

Apart from actual birds one thing of note has been the wonderful proliferation of birding blogs within the county. When I first re-discovered birding here just over three years ago the only blog was the Farmoor one. Now we have blogs for each of the top three sites as well as five other county blogs (see side bar for links) not to mention this county-wide blog which has been a great success thanks to the combined contributions from all the top county birders. Long may this blogging continue - it gives me something to do when I should be working!

Finally I thought that I would do the traditional** photo montage of county birds accompanied by an inappropriately rocky sound track. I've taken photos from all sources and endeavoured to acknowledge the copyrights at the end where possible but if I've missed anyone out or if anyone would rather that I didn't use their photos (I didn't get replies back from everyone in time) then do let me know. The birds appear in no particular order.

The 2010 photo-montage

Happy New Year to everyone and onwards and upwards for 2011!

n/t = not twitchable
* Gnome's unofficial figures which include ruddy shelduck and release scheme great bustard
** i.e. I did it last year

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