Aston tirrold 23rd May

Aston tirrold 23rd May

Peregrine falcon 2, male and female on pylon.
Brian Wyatt

- Cholsey Reed Bed 21st May
Cuckoo 3, one male seen, two males heard calling, one female seen and heard calling, Brian Wyatt...

- Standlake 18th February
Red-crested Pochard 24 Goosander 14 Goldeneye 4 Peregrine Oystercatcher 2 Little Egret Stonechat (per Brian Wyatt)...

- Standlake : Wednesday 3rd December
Smew, (m), Goosander (m) Both on Pit 27, Smew, mostly in cover along western edge of lake. Green Sand, Little Egret, 3, Peregrine, Ad male, harassing a juv Peregrine with jesses and radio transmitter. Geoff & Brian Wyatt. Numbered Map of Standlake...

- Didcot 7th January
Peregrine 3 Didcot Power Station (per Brian Wyatt)...

- Otmoor 11th Jan
29 White fronted geese seen flying over greenaways towards ashgrave at 1.45 pm 2 Peregrine Falcon (a male in ashgrave and female in big otmoor) 4 Red Kite 1 Sparrowhawk The usual ducks,finches,tits and thrushes....

