Cholsey reed bed 21st May

Cholsey reed bed 21st May

Cuckoo 3, one male seen, two males heard calling, one female seen and heard calling,
Brian Wyatt

- Moulsford 22nd May
A329 nr Moulsford Corn Bunting: Male heard calling nr Silly Bridge. Prob on fence line from there to Cholsey station. Not often heard here. SU5885. 09:45. Mike Amphlett...

- : 22nd June
R. Thames nr Cholsey Marsh Cuckoo: Heard calling, prob from Cholsey Marsh. SU5985. Mike Amphlett...

- Abingdon: River Thames: 11th May
Abingdon: River Thames Cuckoo: Heard calling in woods to north west of Sutton Courtenay Weirs. Bird heard calling in this area for last ten days. Ian Marriott...

- Otmoor 13th June
Corncrake still calling from Greenaways 19:20 (per Clackers) still on Greenaways this morning at 5a.m (heard only) (per Dave Lowe) Still calling on Greenaways at 11:45 (heard only) (per Dave Daniells) Still calling about 100 yards west of the bench...

- Corncrake Otmoor 12th June
A Corncrake has been heard calling intermittently from the area to the west of the two new scrapes on Greenaways. As is to be expected this is a heard only record! Peter Still calling at 5 p.m. though it appears to be in deep cover with little chance...

