Aston: 6th April

Aston: 6th April

Little Ringed Plover: On floods - north of Great Brook by small wooden bridge on circular footpath with Lapwings and 2 Ringed Plover.

J Dexter

- Aston Rowant: Aston Rowant Nnr: 20th April
20th April Aston Rowant: Aston Rowant NNR Hen Harrier: m. Passed under the lookout heading north. 11:15. 2 Raven 11:45. Les Blundell...

- Otmoor 15th April
1 Redstart (male) 1 Grasshopper Warbler 1 Common Tern 2 Golden Plover 2 Curlew 2 Shelduck 3 Ruff 1 Ringed Plover 1 Little-ringed Plover 1+Oystercatcher 1 Wheatear (sheep Fields) 2 Cetti's Warbler (Reed bed) (Pete Roby,Tezzer & Paul Greenaway)...

- Port Meadow 18th April
This evening on the floods: 4 Little Ringed Plover 3 Ringed Plover 2 Shelduck 5 Oystercatchers 1 Lesser Whitethroat in hedge along edge of Trap Ground allotments this morning Adam Hartley ...

- Lewknor: 10th April
10th April Lewknor 2 Grey Partridge: A pair flushed from the footpath across a field on the way to Aston Rowant from the Lewknor Oxford Tube stop. Port Meadow 14 Ringed Plover: A flock hanging around near the large flock of Golden Plover. 3 Dunlin:...

- Fieldfare Thursday 13th October
Tony Edwards from Aston reports a flock of Fieldfares numbering in excess fifty individuals.Alongside the great Brook toward the Buckland road end....

