Ashdown House: 30th May

Ashdown House: 30th May

Ashdown House
10 Spotted Flycatcher: 4-6 pairs. Very abundant.
2 Stock Dove
Probable Marsh Tit: Unfortunately didn't call.
20 Coal Tit

Patrick Bryan

- Upton House: 24th June
Upton House 4 Spotted Flycatcher: Two pairs seen by a visitor. One pair on the top terrace in the garden, the other pair close to the restaurant. Graeme Porter...

- Wantage: Chain Hill: 1st June
Wantage: Chain Hill Probable Short-eared Owl: Large owl sat in the road just into Berkshire. Almost hit it before it flew off into the darkness. I'm about 70% sure it was SEO, perhaps could have been LEO. Are SEO still in the area this time of year??....

- Upton House: 20th May
Upton House 4 Spotted Flycatcher: Two pairs on site - first pair close to the Reception hut, look to be building a nest in an ivy covered tree - have been in and out with nesting material. Second pair in the Wild Garden. If visiting remember it is National...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 6th September
Probable Pied Flycatcher f or juv. In with the woodland with the roving tit flock. Pretty sure but only had brief and poor views. I will try to go back later to have another look for it. 2 Spotted Flycatcher: In the woodland wiith the roving tit flock....

- Bagley Wood 19th Jan
1 Woodcock 1 Stock Dove 2 Grt Spotted Woodpecker 7 Jay 1 Goldcrest 2 Coal Tit 7 Nuthatch 2 Treecreeper 10+ Siskin 2 Bullfinch...

