American Wigeon 13th March

American Wigeon 13th March

The American Wigeon located today to the right of the first lake down the lane opposite the rushy Common Hide, walked down with Clackers and he had located it before I had even set up my scope. The Yankee Doodle Dandy was showing some sexual interest in a duck so I guess it's over here, over sexed and overdue, at least for me this was my seventh attempt.
Thanks to Nic Hallam for a most interesting and enlightening evening meeting the committee of the BBRC - A great time was had by all.

- American Golden Plover Port Meadow 2nd Nov
 American Golden Plover  No further sign since about 2pm of the 2nd for Oxfordshire congrats once again to Adam. 13:00 still present and in fact there's a second bird now present which has turned out to be the "grey-toned" golden plover...

- Farmoor 23rd August
Great White Egret      From the Pink Hill hide 10:00a.m                                         ...

- Bbrc Agm In Oxford. 11th-13th March 2011
‘Saturday Social’ 12th March 8pm onwards The British Birds Rarities Committee (BBRC) holds it’s AGM every year in March at a different location within the UK. This year it is taking place in Oxford over the weekend of 11th-13th. Most of the members...

- Rushy Common 6th March
American Wigeon (dk) still near Rushy Common 1.15p.m and showing well on the first fishing pit on the right along the gravel bridleway....

- Rushy Common 22nd Feb
No sign of the American Wigeon at Rushy Common today. But 2 Smew still (both readheads). (per R.B.A)...

