
May 2nd. Childrey Downs.

8 Corn Bunting, 11 Skylark, Yellowhammer, Chiffchaff, Whitethroat and Fox.

- Devil's Punchbowl: 31st December
31st December Devil's Punchbowl Peregrine: f. ....also a stoat busily investigating the rabbit holes. Little else was stupid enough to be up there in what were fairly brutal conditions!. Childrey: Childrey Field 3 Corn Bunting Mark Merritt...

- White Horse Hill: 4th March
White Horse Hill 12 Corn Bunting Childrey: Childrey Field Short-eared Owl Mark Merritt...

- Cholsey 18th Nov
14 Golden Plover 1 Chiffchaff c50 Redwing 20+ Fieldfare 10 Yellowhammer 10+ Skylark 2 Great spots 2 Bullfinch 1 Reed Bunting...

- White Horse Hill Area, 24 October
440 Golden Plover 150 Skylark 40 Yellowhammer 30 Linnet 1 Corn Bunting (also Water Rail, Pinkhill on 23rd)...

- Churn 24th October
Merlin Sprawk 13 Grey Partridge 7 Red-legged 50+Corn Bunting 2+Reed Bunting 30+Yellowhammer 100+Skylark 2 Wheatear 2 Brambling...

