Wroxton: 10th April
Ring Ouzel (male) at Padsdon Bottom, near Wroxton SP402407 (for 2nd day
per Tim and Tony Clark). Seen towards the bottom of valley where it opens out into a broad grassy area, generally in shrubbery by stream but spent a long while at the top of the largest ivy covered ash tree. Also 6+ Willow Warblers.
Shelduck still present on flooded field off Ironstone Lane on the 8th (
per Allan Jones)
Ring Ouzel (C) T. Clark |
Linky Down 15th April
Ring Ouzel 6 still at 18:00 (per Oz, Colin Oram & Andrew Callender) Ring Ouzel 7 (5 male) at 2 pm (Adam Bassett) Ring Ouzel 6 (4 male + 2 fem) 09:00. (J Dexter)...
Wroxton: 12th April
No sign of the Ring Ouzel since Friday (11th) morning. 4 Wheatear: Padsdon Bottom. Other side of the valley in ploughed field. Gareth Blockley...
Wroxton: 31st March
Shelduck just north west of Wroxton on flooded arable field by Ironstone Lane (per Allan Jones) ...
Stonor: Fawley Bottom: 29th March
Stonor: Fawley Bottom Ring Ouzel: One ring ouzel in a field of fieldfares, redwings and lapwings. On Dudley Lane opposite Kildridge Wood, nr Stonor (closest farm = Cockslease Farm). There's a flood in the road, with a small parking place just beyond...
Linky Down: 24th April
Linky Down 3 Ring Ouzel Tom Coyne 3 Ring Ouzel (1m 2f) still present to 17:30. Also 1 male Wheatear and 2 Red-legged Partridge Phil Chapman...