Witney 24th Sept

Copyright Nic Hallam.
Further to Adams post.
Dipper along the Windrush
at c9a.m also photographed
by Roger Wyatt.
Otter seen closer to
Witney centre (near Sainsbury's)
and photographed by Nic Hallam
Noke March
Ring-necked Parakeet seen & photographed in Noke yesterday (2nd) (per Francis Josephs OOS)...
Pallid Harrier Churn 8th Sept
Pallid Harrier (juv) seen & photographed by Roger Wyatt this morning at Churn at about 10a.m but unfortunately no sign since despite being searched for by a number of Oxon & Berkshire birders throughout the day. Unsurprisingly this is the first...
Witney 8th Sept
Dipper seen this afternoon at the weir along the Windrush in Witney near Crawley Road (per Andy Tolley)...
Dipper 26th August 2011
Local resident Derek Woodcock telephoned this morning to say the Dipper was on the Windrush in the same location at the concrete lasher near Witney.
Barry Hudson.
Witney 26th Sept
Dipper still there this morning 9.03a.m copyright Nic Hallam.(still 12.45 and showing well near the Sluice gates per Wayne Bull)...