Willow tits

Willow tits

I can happily confirm there is still a pair of Willow tits at Grimsbury reservoir. They were in the Willows near the entrance mid morning today and the male was calling and singing away.


- Willow Tits
Three Willow Tits seen and heard north of Claydon on the bridleway to Wormleighton Reservoir today. (per Paul, Banburybirds Yahoo Group). Claydon is in the very northern tip of Oxfordshire, with Wormleighton over the border into Warwickshire. Wormleighton...

- Grimsbury Reservoir 4th September
Further to Gareth's post Badger and myself checked out the roving tit flock between 1000-1200. We heard the Willow Tit call once early on but did not see it and later we also saw and heard a Marsh Tit in the roving flock. The flock is quite large...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 4th September
Grimsbury Reservoir Willow Tit: This one bird seems to be regular at the moment and could be a target to some of you in the county. It is not very local but all three sightings this week it was with a large roving tit flock that is mailny Long-tailed...

- Goingbirding: 10th April
Grimsbury Reservoir 3 Sedge Warbler: m. singing. 2 by res along river and 1 along the canal. 2 Whitethroat: m. Singing. I scrub between the res and the wood. White Wagtail: m. Swallow 8 Sand Martin: Through north (5, 2 and 1). 5 Willow Warbler: m....

- Grimsbury Reservoir - 23/01/11
Brambling - 1 winter male along the canal hedge, Siskin - 50 - 60, a very vocal flock with several males singing (no redpolls), Willow tit - 1 calling in the south of the wood around the stream, Stock dove - 4 in the fields at the back (notable there!),...

