Whitecross Green Wood: 15th June

Whitecross Green Wood: 15th June

Turtle Dove: purring away (heard only).

No sign of any Black Hairstreaks

Adam Hartley

- Otmoor: 11th June
11th June Otmoor 2 Turtle Dove: 1 purring along the lane to the car park, 2 in the car park field. 19:45. Cuckoo: heard. 19:45. 2 Redshank 19:45. Hobby 20:15. 3 Snipe: drumming. 20:15. Lia Verhoeff...

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 8th May
Turtle Dove: Heard purring along bridle way near rifle range end. Grasshopper Warbler: Heard reeling over car park field. 3 Redshank: One on Ashgrave, 2 on scrape on green ways. Curlew: Over Greenways.  Mark Ribbons...

- Otmoor 3rd September
Evening Wood Sandpiper Green Sandpiper 12+ Ruff Dunlin Redshank 2 Snipe 20+ Garganey Wheatear 3 (Badger) Poss Gannet imm flew S/E over Otmoor RSPB 08:20 (per Paul Greenaway) Water Rail 2 (1 juv) Green Sandpiper 2 Long Meadow 2 Redstart: 1m 1f type. Minimum...

- Port Meadow: Aristotle Lane: 7th August
Port Meadow: Aristotle Lane Marsh Tit: Seen and heard. In railside vegetation with tit flock seen from the bridge. Port Meadow Wood Sandpiper: NEGATIVE NEWS - no sign this morning so maybe they left last night? Only a quick look though. Turnstone Black-tailed...

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 1st June
1st June Otmoor: RSPB reserve 2 Turtle Dove: In trees along main path to hide, plus one purring near car park. 2 Cuckoo: At least two: calling regularly. Grasshopper Warbler: In reedbed: from path to second screen. Steve Goddard...

