White Stork on Otmoor

White Stork on Otmoor

I have just had a text from David Wilding to say that the White Stork has just flown over Greenaways on Otmoor R.S.P.B heading towards the M.O.D. land or the flood field.


Photos of the Otmoor stork as it flew over (c) Graham Cox

- Chinnor 20th April
Oxon White Stork reported Chinnor flew north from garden at 6:30am (per RBA)...

- Abingdon 20th July
White Stork flew over south Abingdon heading S/W c18:40 (per The Wicksters) Peregrine...

- Otmoor 22nd April: White Stork
Dave Hammant saw & photographed a White Stork flying over Otmoor this afternoon between 15:25 and 15:35. It was circling at some altitude. It circled above Otmoor for maybe fifteen minutes before heading of north east and ascending. Perhaps the same...

- White Stork Deddington 21st July
Winston Churchill had a White Stork thermalling over Deddington at 3.35pm today (21st) before drfting south....

- Port Meadow 4th May
Egret sp. (possibly cattle) flew over distantly (per Richard Foster) Black tern on the Meadow at 18:15 & coming & going thereafter(per Steve Goddard) Possible arctic tern also (per Richard Foster) Garganey: male. Bar-tailed Godwit Greenshank Oystercatcher...

