White-fronts 26th Dec

White-fronts 26th Dec

42 White-fronted Geese South Stoke along the B4009
(per R.B.A/Oxonbirds)

- White-fronted Geese South Stoke 02/01/11
The White fronts have been seen flying around in several places locally, then return to the regular field adjacent to the B4009 at South Stoke....

- South Stoke: White-fronted Geese Still
42 white-fronted geese still at South Stoke early afternoon (per Badger) Now 44 WFG at 12:45 (per Badger)...

- White-fronted Geese South Stoke 28th Dec
42 White-fronted Geese still near South Stoke in field adjacent to the B4009 at midday (per Tony Williams)...

- Monday 27th December: South Stoke White-fronted Geese
All the white-fronted geese are still present at South Stoke this morning (per Bob Burgess)...

- 25th Dec South Stoke
12 of the 44 White-fronted Geese at South Stoke. ...

