West Ilsley (Berkshire) 28th October

West Ilsley (Berkshire) 28th October

Great Grey Shrike Settled on leafless tree to side of Ridgeway path giving clear views through bins. Was then flushed as we moved past it. SU479840. 12:00.

Jeremy Beach

- Monday 23rd: Chilton Downs, South Oxon.
Great Grey Shrike. The wintering Bury Down/Cow Down bird was north of the Ridgeway, just in Oxon at Grims Ditch at lunch time. Great-grey Shrike courtesy of The Gun-Slinger ...

- : 8th March
Ridgeway, nr Rams Hill Raven: On ground on Ridgeway path. SU315865. Mike Taylor...

- Churn 1st June
The Downs: South of Blewbury 17 Corn Bunting: 14 singing males counted between end of metalled road (Woodway) and the Ridgeway with another 3 in the immediate vicinity of the Ridgeway. SU5383. The Downs: South of Blewbury 2 Curlew: SU5383. The Downs:...

- Oxon Downs 8th April
Ridgeway Down and Wether Down 2 Corn Bunting: Singing male. SU4384. Ridgeway Down and Wether Down 2 Grey Partridge: SU4384. West Ginge Down 4 Grey Partridge: 2 pairs. Mark Merritt...

- Letcombe Bassett: Ridgeway Above Letcombe Bassett: 1st April
Letcombe Bassett: Ridgeway above Letcombe Bassett Short-eared Owl: Excellent views, quartering fields to South of Ridgeway. Mark Merritt...

