Waxwings 9th Jan

Waxwings 9th Jan

No sign of any Waxwings around Long Hanborough, Combe or Stonesfield between 11am and 2pm today (per Dave Morgan)

Yet again there were waxwings in the same ash tree a little way into Alexander Close (not Drive) Abingdon when I drove past this morning. About 9.15 seems the optimum time to view them.
(per Rachel Everett)

30+ Waxwings at 12 o'clock in gardens of flats just behind Hi-Q Tyres in Gatteridge Steet, just across from Morrisons
(per Tony Banburybirds)

- Waxwings 31st December
Approx 15 Waxwings flew north over Lake Street Oxford heading towards the Grandpont area at 11:56a.m. (per Dave Lowe) 12 Waxwings flew over the Warneford Hospital at Rosavelt Drive entrance heading towards the Churchill at 9.15am today. Couldn't locate...

- Waxwings 27th Dec
20 Waxwings Abingdon at Peachcroft Shopping Centre at 10.45a.m but no sign late p.m (per Ewan) No sign of any Waxwings in Stonesfield today. (per Paul Wren) 15 Waxwings at 2pm on Highlands, Banbury - east of junction with Rother Road & before the...

- Waxwings 24th December
c.70 Waxwings behind the Hobgoblin pub, opposite Tesco on Cowley Road (per Bird Guides) 20+ Waxwings still opposite BMW Mini plant at Cowley at 09:45 (per Bird Guides) There were 30-40 Waxwings feeding on berries in the Peachcroft shopping centre car...

- Waxwings 23rd December
c. 21 Waxwings still on Colwell Drive, Witney at 11:30 (per Keith Clack) Single Waxwing trilling at top of tall tree by our garden drive this morning in Kingham (per Ewan) One Waxwing in Marlborough Place, Eynsham mid-morning (per Bird Guides) 19 Waxwings...

- Waxwings 20th Dec
Waxwings heard in Yarnton this morning and a small party flew over at about 8.00am. Cheers (Nick Suckling Oxonbirds) 2 Waxwings still Kidlington this morning on Blenheim Rd near Garage (per R.B.A) 6 Waxwings Cowley Road (per R.B.A/O.O.S) 5 Waxwings Banbury...

