Waxwings 17th December

Waxwings 17th December



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Iffley: 12 Waxwings seen feeding on berry tree in back garden of house at the crossroads of Woodhouse Way and Bears Hedge and Tree Lane, Iffley. Probably the birds seen in Meadow Lane yesterday.(Wayne P Bull)

Trap Grounds: no sign of any by the bike racks on Frenchay Rd at midday today (Gnome)

Bicester: 80+ Waxwings Rowan Road this morning (per Alan Peters)

- Bicester Wetlands Reserve 6th February
Water Rail courtesy of Alan Peters Water Rail 2                                                           ...

- Otmoor 26th February
Bittern (showing on and off from the 2nd screen all morning but no sign in the afternoon by 15:30) White-fronted Goose (on The Closes with the Greylags) Short-eared Owl Peregrine Sparrowhawk                                                       ...

- Waxwings 4th February
17 Waxwings Southmoor, Lime Grove, in birch tree feeding on berries in nearby garden at 10.30a.m. (per John Melling Oxonbirds) 60+ Waxwings feeding on berries briefly in Lewin Close near cowley centre at 11.30 a.m then flew over towards beauchamp lane....

- Waxwings February 3rd
waxwings in Lambourn road. Photos (c) W.Bull 29 Waxwings sat in a tree in Lambourn Road,rose hill and feeding on rosehips in the back gardens at 9.35 a.m. Flew off towards Asquith Road at 9.50 a.m. W .Bull 8 Waxwings Abingdon, at the Dunmore Road end...

- Waxwings 24th January
15+ Waxwings at Dry sandford pit BBOWT reserve feeding on privet berries before moving onto the apple tree just outside the reserve late morning. (per Wayne Bull) 24 Waxwings around Iffley Turn & Donnington Playing Field. (per Steve Roby)30 Waxwings...

