Waxwings 13th April

Waxwings 13th April

60+ Waxwings Oxford at Abingdon Road at 6:30p.m
(per R.B.A)

4 Waxwings in Crowmarsh feeding on mistletoe
in trees behind BGS offices at 14:55.
(per The Wickster)

- Waxwings 23rd Feb
20+ Waxwings Abingdon feeding on berries outside 106 Saxton Road 08:00a.m. More could be heard. (per The Wickster) 11 Waxwings west over the University Parks (Office window tick!) at 14:42(per Steve Bell)38 Waxwing Headington Churchill Hospital near car...

- Waxwings 6th Feb
30-50 Waxwings Abingdon Wooton Road near the 'One stop shop' this morning (per Steve & B.B) 30 Waxwings Abingdon in the North Court Road area though mobile. (per B.B) 18 Waxwings Rose Hill on Lambourn Road sat in tree at 1.30p.m (per Wayne...

- Waxwings February 3rd
waxwings in Lambourn road. Photos (c) W.Bull 29 Waxwings sat in a tree in Lambourn Road,rose hill and feeding on rosehips in the back gardens at 9.35 a.m. Flew off towards Asquith Road at 9.50 a.m. W .Bull 8 Waxwings Abingdon, at the Dunmore Road end...

- Waxwings 16th Jan
25+ Waxwings over oxpens road at 10.00 a.m this morning. 19 Waxwings between 10.10 and 10.30am in Pheasant Walk, Oxford; same spot as previous two days. 85+ Waxwings at 2.45pm briefly (per Lynda & Tony Raymond) 14:00 80+ Waxwings Between Towns Road...

- Waxwings 3rd January
3 Waxwings flew east over Kingston Road (Walton Manor, Oxford) calling and then back west again. May be same birds that were seen on Southmoor Road two days ago. It may also be worth checking out the Waterside development. (per Gnome) At least 12 Waxwings...

