Waxwings 11th Feb

70 Waxwings Abingdon, along the Wooton Road near the 'One Stop' shop at 8a.m
(per B.B)
photo (c) M.Flemming
2 Waxwings on Grenoble Road near Kassam Stadium at 13:26 today
(per Peter Law)
17 Waxwings Abingdon at Alexander Close at 2p.m
(per Bob Eeles)
Waxwings 22nd February
40 Waxwings Abingdon along Saxton Road this morning. (per The Wickster) 32 Waxwing Headington at South Park. (per Gavin Paterson)22 Waxwings Abingdon along the Wooton Road near the 'One Stop'shop this morning.(per B.B)105 Waxwings Abingdon on...
Waxwings 14th Feb
100 Waxwings Abingdon still along the Wooton Road near the 'One Stop' shop 07:45 (per B.B) 17 Waxwings by 08:30 (Steve Clark) Around today there was a flock of 50 waxwings in the trees opposite Sainsburys at Heyford Hill on the Oxford...
Waxwings Sunday 13th February
17 Waxwings Abingdon Wooton Road near the 'One Stop' shop 09:30 (per Keith Clack) 120 Waxwings Abingdon Wooton Road near the 'One Stop' shop late a.m (per B.B) Top picture (c) D.Morgan Lower (c) B.B ...
Waxwings 5th Feb
1 Waxwing Cumnor by the Vine Inn c 07.50 (per The Wickster) 30 Waxwing Abingdon near the 'One stop shop' Wooton Road at 08a.m (per B.B) 30+ still 2p.m (per Steve see comments) 30 Waxwing Southmoor: on Lime Grove at 08.45a.m (per John Melling Oxonbirds)...
Waxwings 30th January
8 Waxwings near junction of Mably Way and Denchworth Road, Wantage, this morning. 15 Waxwing over my garden in Kelburne Road, Cowley, at 4pm heading towards Iffley. Finally got Waxwing on my garden list(per Colin Williams) 55 Waxwings in the trees at...