Wantage: 29th April

Wantage: 29th April

Grasshopper Warbler: Seen briefly at bottom of hill near Stockham Farm, close to canal footpath junction. SU390887.

Leo Bateman

- Wantage: Lark Hill: 26th November
Wantage: Lark Hill 35 Corn Bunting Leo Bateman...

- Wantage: Lark Hill: 25th August
Wantage: Lark Hill 2 Whinchat Stonechat: male. Leo Bateman...

- Wantage: Lark Hill: 4th April
Wantage: Lark Hill Peregrine 2 Wheatear Leo Bateman...

- : 28th April
Wantage: Lark Hill Whimbrel: At reservoir. SU410874. Wantage: Lark Hill 2 Wheatear: male. SU410874. Leo Bateman...

- Wantage: 27th August
Wantage 2 Raven: Lark Hill, south of reservoir. Leo Bateman...

