Upton House: 16th May

Upton House: 16th May

16th May

Upton House
2 Spotted Flycatcher: Pair in the woods by the entrance close to the Reception hut.
2 Raven: Resident pair around the cedar trees on the back lawn.

Graeme Porter

- Upton House: 24th June
Upton House 4 Spotted Flycatcher: Two pairs seen by a visitor. One pair on the top terrace in the garden, the other pair close to the restaurant. Graeme Porter...

- Otmoor 19th May
Glossy ibis 15:30 (on Flood field earlier over Greenaways P.G) Pair of garganey. Ruff 2 ringed plover. 2 Raven. 1 Curlew (calling). 2 Cuckoo 1 seen in trees bordering car park and MoD land, 2nd seen from top hide on telegraph wires. 2 Turtle Dove (per...

- Balscote: Balscote Quarry: 24th April
Balscote: Balscote Quarry Green Sandpiper 4 Little Ringed Plover 2 Curlew: Flew in, possibly disturbed by farmer spraying in adjacent field. Raven: Flew over about 1415 - possibly one of the pair that reside at nearby Upton House. Graeme Porter...

- Hanwell: 9th July
Hanwell 2 Spotted Flycatcher: pair. breeding pair at the church. flycatching in churchyard. Gareth Blockley...

- Badbury Wood & Buscot: 26th June
4 Marsh Tit, family party 2 Grey Wagtail, pair feeding young 1 Turtle Dove, purring 2 Spotted Flycatcher, pair at nest...

