Upper Cherwell Valley: 15th January

Upper Cherwell Valley: 15th January

Upper Cherwell Valley
Green Sandpiper
Barn Owl

Gareth Blockley

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 7th July
2 Common Sandpiper Upper Cherwell Valley 2 Common Sandpiper: Borrow Pit pool. Gareth Blockley Grimsbury Birds...

- Upper Cherwell Valley: 1st November
Upper Cherwell Valley Yellow-legged Gull: On the 'new pool' with c.80 Lesser Black-backs. Flew to fields just over into Northants. Gareth Blockley...

- Upper Cherwell Valley: 31st August
Upper Cherwell Valley Probable Tree Pipit: Heard only and only once. Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 7th August
Grimsbury Reservoir Mediterranean Gull: Juvenile briefly at c.19:30. A different bird to this morning with less advanced moult/new scapulars. 3 Common Sandpiper 3 Swift Upper Cherwell Valley Spotted Flycatcher Snipe Gareth Blockley...

- Upper Cherwell Valley: 18th February
Upper Cherwell Valley Stonechat: Female. Gareth Blockley...

