Trap Grounds: 1st January

Trap Grounds: 1st January

Trap Grounds
20 Waxwing: Just outside Trap Grounds, jct of Frenchay and Chalfont Rds.

Tom Evans

- Trap Grounds: 31st January
Trap Grounds Cetti's Warbler: A single burst of song from the reed bed, about ten mins after I gave up a speculative session of playing a recording. Presumably a delayed response to that. First record from the site as far as I am aware. 17:00. Tom...

- Trap Grounds: 1st January
Trap Grounds Woodcock: Flushed. Flew towards Port Meadow. 10:30. Tom Evans...

- Trap Grounds, Port Meadow 16th May
Male Cuckoo calling in the Trap Grounds at 9:55 a.m. per Mary MacDougall...

- Port Meadow: 30th March
Port Meadow Peregrine: On the ground eating a kill. Ruff Dunlin 2 Little Ringed Plover: reported by two other birders. 2 Shelduck Woodcock, flushed from the Trap Grounds this morning (per Tom Evans) Adam Hartley...

- North Oxford 18th November
Bainton Road, N Oxford (nr Trap Grounds) 4 Waxwing Briefly in a non-fruiting tree, calling. Restless. Moved off west. SP503083. Tom Evans...

