Sutton Courtenay 3rd February

Sutton Courtenay 3rd February

3 White-winged Gulls in the flooded fields around Sutton Courtenay this evening. An adult Glaucous Gull, a 2nd winter Iceland Gull, and a probable juv Kumlien's Gull.
Glaucous Gull adult

Glaucous Gull adult
Glaucous Gull adult
Iceland Gull 2nd winter
Kumlien's Gull juv
Kumlien's Gull juv

- Appleford: 7th February
Appleford Iceland Gull: The Iceland Gull from yesterday was seen from the cycleway as given in the ' White winged Gulls' post from yesterday. This is nearer to Appleford than Sutton Courtenay. Sorry for the confusion. John Edwards...

- Sutton Courtenay: 6th February
Sutton Courtenay Iceland Gull: 2w. Second winter with other large gulls on the flooded field between the cycle way and the railway crossing. With Dick Middleton and A N Other. John Edwards...

- Port Meadow: 28th February
Glaucous Gull: adult in the roost again this evening 2 Yellow-legged Gull, 3w 5 Redshank 4 Dunlin 6 Shelduck 30 Pintail Adam Hartley, Alex Martin, Steve Jennings, Gareth Blockley...

- Port Meadow: 7th February
2 Glaucous Gull: adult & juvenile Ruff Adam Hartley, Liam Langley & Peter Law  Videograb of the adult Glaucous Gull - more to follow on Port Meadow Birding...

- Glaucous Gull 4th Jan
Glaucous Gull (juv) Appleford Spit Pit at mid-day then at Sutton Courtenay14.40 + c3 Yellow-legged Gull...

